How to Support Mental Health in the Workplace
Everybody’s talking about workplace mental health. Or so it seems. So, why are many employees still suffering in silence? The campaign organisation Time to Change states that “one in four people experience a mental health issue in any given year”, while according to...
Loneliness or being alone – what’s the difference between friends?
Have you ever felt the disturbing sensation of feeling completely alone in a bustling crowd of people? It’s a completely different feeling from spending an evening at home, with only yourself for company. For some people – particularly those with young children – the...
When Perfectionism is Good for You
If you’re used to thinking about perfectionism as a weakness, you may be surprised to know that there’s an upside to having high standards. The reason? Just as there’s more than one brand of toothpaste, there’s more than one kind of perfectionist. The bad versus the...
What happens to our mental health when the press pack up and leave?
Talking about personal mental health issues has become more and more common in recent years. So much so, that celebrities no longer shy away from the subject. In fact, you might even be forgiven for thinking that suffering from a mental health issue has taken on a...
Transgender therapy: a behind-the-scenes case study
In the second of our short series of articles focused on transgender therapy, we have attempted to demystify the therapeutic process a little. Our first article in this series introduced you to our specialist Gemma Hammond, who works with people experiencing gender...
Transgender and equality: is the NHS up to scratch?
A recent enquiry into health and social care support for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual plus (LGBT+) communities has fuelled accusations that the NHS is treating the needs of trans people in particular as “less important” than those of the wider...
Accepting your personal gender norm: help is at hand
All About People is a Leamington Spa-based counselling practice that is dedicated to supporting people, so they can feel less alone and more at ease with themselves. Our team of therapists are qualified in a diverse range of therapeutic areas, and are able to offer...
Childhood worries? Helping children on the road to emotional wellbeing
Do you remember how it felt to be a child, as you learned all the confusing ways of the world? As a parent, it can be hard to cast your mind back to those childhood days, especially when so much has changed since then. So when you notice your own child...
Your GP and Mental Health
If you had a mental health issue you needed to discuss, where would you turn to first? You might begin by confiding in a close family member or a trusted friend, before finally contacting your GP for qualified help. This is a familiar scenario, at least judging by the...
Mental Health and Stigma – how honesty and support are vital
Mental health is a trending topic at the moment. So much so that Lloyds Bank has launched a national campaign in an attempt to tackle its effects, in partnership with the charity Mental Health UK. While efforts such as these are admirable, unfortunately the stigma...
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